Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Miss {and Master} Piggy

You know I'm not capable of a "Wordless" Wednesday, but here's about as close as I can get.

I found this baby picture of myself
at my parents' house and could not get over the fact that Henry looks quite a bit like me. The even funnier part is that my mom and dad bought this picture of me {at 20 months in 1980- Henry's current age} making the squint-y squishy face that I try to avoid while taking a picture of Henry!

I like him to look cute
Or pensive and handsome

This picture courtesy of my good friend Melissa Tash who took the kids' school pictures

But, unfortunately, Henry inherited my squint-y squishy laugh face that also includes snorts of laughter.

That's right. I'm a snorter. And so is my youngest son.

Here is my little snortin' guy this morning. It's hard to catch him still when he's snorting on the run.

Hope you have a chortling, snortful Wednesday.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Fishy Business

We are fish sitting this week for our wonderful neighbors who are out of town camping. They have 2 teen/ pre-teen children who are wonderful and one- Sarah- has a fish named Sarah {ingenious, I think} and she asked us to feed her while they are gone. We only feed her 5 minuscule tablets a day, so that job is reserved for me and not Ollie. I imagine he would feed her enough for a month- or two.

But this has got me thinking about something that I read about recently. Some parents do a "pet swap" where they share a pet- like a hamster. Each family gets 6 weeks and then they pass him on. Doesn't that sound ideal? You might have him twice a year and then your kids get their pet fix taken care of! And you don't have to find people to hamster-sit when you're out of town all year long! Or try to find hotels who are hamster friendly, etc.
This is a great shot of Sarah the Beta fish above.
So, who's in? I'm going to be trading my lovely dogs- whom I ♥ dearly- for as many weeks as you'll take them so you, too, can have the joy of pet ownership.
Any takers?

Saturday, June 20, 2009

For My Dad

If you don’t know my dad, then you have to know one thing: he is a character. As in, he could be a fictional character in a book. He’s the center of attention in most rooms because he’s loud and funny.

Dad and Mom going to a Halloween party circa late 90s

He’ll act like he knows you even if he doesn’t and he loves to tell a good joke; those two things always make him very popular. If you met him, he’d ask how old your parents were {or when they graduated from high school}, see if he knew them {most likely he did} and then he’d be your friend in a southern-fried minute.

He met my mom on a double date; he was the other girl’s date. They dated for 6 months and then got engaged and married. About a year and half later I entered the scene. I can’t put my finger on exactly when, but I’ve always known I was daddy’s girl. I slept on his chest at night as a baby, he threw me in the air like only daddies can do and he always told me I could do anything I wanted to do.

Me and Dad in '81 or '82 at Easter at Other Mama's House

My dad wanted me to be smart. He didn’t just say he wanted me to be good at things, he invested his time, energy and his heart into making me excel.

In 3rd grade tic-tac-toe had become very popular. Much to my dismay, I kept losing- to BOYS of all people. So, dad and I stayed up past midnight one night so he could teach me the strategy of how to win {the secret is in the corners, people, not the center}.

He coached every softball team I ever played on. He went to coaches meetings, team practices, games and even woke up in the mornings thinking of ways that I could hit better. We would go outside at 7 am before school in the spring and work on technique in the side yard that we shared with the Andrews {Josh and Alana- their yard housed home plate and first base; ours had the rest}. He cried with me the years I didn’t make All-Stars. And when I did, my family spent the summers traveling to tournaments all over the southeast.

In high school, he was friends with all my friends {and their parents, too!}. They were always welcome at our house, he knew what was going on in their lives and everybody genuinely loved my dad. It was a weird high school phenomenon! When I left for college, he even still had people knocking on the door to come hang out.

Dad and Me on the deck of a cruise ship off Alaska around '99

He and mom trekked up to college for any event that we had and he called me almost every day of college. Most of the time he called at 7am to wake me up. Have I mentioned he’s a morning person? A no-coffee, just happy to be awake, let’s-go-get-things-done morning person. Yeah.

When Jason and I were dating, I told him that when he met my dad, he would offer him a beer. No matter what time of the day, circumstance, etc, the answer should always be “yes”. Jason thought I was crazy and making this up; he said no one’s dad had ever offered him a beer before. Sure enough, just as I’d played it in my mind, the exact scene happened. Jason said "yes" and from there on out he was “in”. Whew!
Dad had "Her Mother and I Do" written on a business card in his left hand.
He said he didn't want to mess up his "one line".

Only looking back can I see how much both my parents did to ensure I succeeded. I think they also wanted to know that I would eventually leave the house and get off their “payroll”, but they wanted me to do well and be happy. They both love the Lord and wanted me to know His love through their actions- not just church Sunday School or church every week- but through what they did for me and how they acted the other 6 days of the week.

They set the standard pretty high. I don’t know if it’s possible to live up to, but I will do my best. I want my kids to know they’re loved like I do and to know that their parents will always support them like I know mine will. I want them to know that they can always come running to us, when needed and they might get a kick in the pants when needed- just like I have in the past. {My dad handed me my car bill on the day I graduated from college… and I didn’t have a job.}

Dad -aka Big Daddy- with Ollie {who is named after him in real life}

Dad and Henry cruising in style

Dad, thanks for all the late night strategies, early morning calls and constant positive outlook on life. You are an amazing Dad and so much fun to know and love! Our lives would be so boring without you! We love you and can't wait to see you soon!

Happy Father’s Day!
Daddy’s Girl

Captain Destructo Strikes Again

This post could also have been titled, "Why I Don't Use My Children's Real Names Online". Here is the reason why. I don't think anyone is going to steal them. Really. I just don't want their mortal embarrassment in middle school to come from me. They'll have to create that on their own.

For current fun stories that one day might cause such embarrassment, here is update on Henry.

We were SO proud of him and thought he was so cute the other day when he was "typing" away on hoopty laptop in the breakfast room. {This laptop was given to Jason for free because it was broken. He fixed it and it is super old, but works just fine. That's what I get with a computer guy as a husband- he is the MacDaddy and I have hoopty laptop. And a nice machine downstairs that he built, but that's beside the current point.}

Where was I? Okay, Henry being cute, installing viruses and banging on the hoopty laptop.

Then, yesterday morning, I walked in and found this.

The J and the S were missing. Nice.
I'm sure we won't need those letters at all. Especially not JaSon.

But, since I am typing away on her royal hooptiness right now, you might decipher that Jason got them back on. Those computer people are really handy.

Another note about yesterday:
It was a crazy, ridiculously insane little bit busy with work. So much so that when I packed Ollie's clothes for water day, I forgot to include underwear in his dry clothes.

That's right. My 3 {almost 4} year old knows what it means to "go commando". And he was so happy that way. And a little upset when I forced his Diego unders on him.

Last night, Jason was working late. Since I've mentioned 8 times here that he is a computer guy, you should also know that when they install new systems or do something big with machines and cords, they have to do it when there aren't people planning on using those computer thingys. So he has to work late nights sometimes. Not a biggie.

Until the power went out at our house {and 30,000 of our friendly neighbors' homes, as well}. It went out right at 7:20. So, I ran to put the kids in the bath knowing that there wasn't that much more light available. After bath, they were running around nekkid while I was searching for some jammies with a flashlight. We have stacks of clean clothes from our trip and nothing is in a drawer, yet. So, while I'm digging through the baskets, I hear Henry running, then stopping. Running, then stopping. What in the world is he doing?

I soon found out that he was POOPING! He was like Hansel and Gretel leaving tracks of poop across the house. It was dark. I couldn't find wipes- or diapers- or flashlight to avoid stepping in the POOP! Good gravy.

Cute now. Not so cute when you are picking up and smearing off poop from carpets, rugs, your feet and your clothes. I'm so glad we haven't gotten new carpet, yet!

If steam could come out of your ears like it does in cartoons, it would have been pouring out of mine!

After I got my little stinkers to sleep, I used the last slivers of light to hop in my shower to wash off the day {and the poop, but I think you probably got that}.

When Jason finally got home we actually sat and talked in the dark. Is that what people used to do? Does anybody know how quiet your house is without electricity?

Of course we had our iPhones to check power outage updates online, Facebook and other very important matters like those. Power finally came back on at 11:30-ish when we were both asleep on the sofa {because it was 80+ degrees upstairs}. The lights popped on all over and I ran in to shut them off in the kids rooms. They were happily asleep and seeing them like that makes me think they are so sweet and kind.

Even with the poop and the destroyed keyboard and commando children.

But I was also half asleep, so I was most likely in a daze. Yep- in a no-power induced daze.

Back to the real world today. We're headed to Jason's company picnic- WITH water slides. A combination that strikes fear in the heart of this mom.
Even more than poop in carpet.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner

Just because I like to say that.

So sorry this posting has been delayed. I'll have a whole write up tonight (hopefully), but the 2nd shuttle launch attempt was ALSO scrubbed, so we drove for the better part of yesterday back home.

With good news, though, the winner of the $50 gift certificate to The Bug Boutique is Lindsey with this comment:

Lindsey said...
just posted a link to the giveaway on my blog! pick me! **hope you guys are having a FUN weekend!
June 12, 2009 1:05 PM

Congrats, Lindsey!!
Lindsey is a friend of mine from home, and we most likely played on this softball team together.
We also went to college together, but we lost touch between then and now. I have been so happy to reconnect with her in the blog world! She is about to or has already had her 3rd baby and you should check out her cute blog!

Congrats, Lindsey!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Who's Your Daddy?

Since we decided to hang out in Florida until somebody around here launches a space shuttle, we have gotten to spend 24/ 7 with Ollie and Henry. It is wonderful! We love it and have a great time on this impromptu vacation.

But we have noticed something.
Jason calls me "Hill" {as most people do; go ahead- it's fine}. I call Jason "Jas" {because I'm a natural shorten-er}.
Ollie has picked up on this. Today he said, "Hill, could I please have some ice cream" and "Hill, WHEN IS THE SPACE SHUTTLE LAUNCH?" {I might have heard that last one 482 times. Maybe.}

I really, REALLY don't want to be one of those parents who is okay with their children calling them by their first name. Much less one who allows their kids to call them by their nickname. It all just seems so hippie-ish.
I'm pretty much a stickler for Mommy and Daddy.
If you must shorten {it's in their blood}, then Mom and Dad- which sounds too grown up.

I'm even a stickler for ma'am and sir.
"Yes ma'am, Hill" just doesn't sound right.

But here's my dilemma. As much as I don't want to be called "Hill" by my children, I ALSO don't want to be the grown woman who calls her husband, "Daddy".
There's just a certain eeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww factor there.

Anyone else?
Those of you who have kids who can talk, have you gone there?
Any solutions?

I think I might have to do that {and I guess I do it a little bit now} in order for my kids to call Jason "Daddy" and vice versa. Oh my. I'm turning into a Duggar. I think there just needs to be a certain boundary.
But now that I think about it, I think my parents called each other Mom and Dad. Oh my. One more step towards this.

I don't know what I'm going to do. Maybe wash MY mouth with hot sauce when I call my husband "Daddy". Something's gotta give.
In the mean time, we are just correcting as we go and laughing secretly at with Ollie. It's not the first time.

Here are some pics from our time hanging out at the beach. Then the pool. Then the beach. That's pretty much our routine. Yesterday we did go to the Brevard Zoo and it was awesome! We got to pet a giraffe! And the kids knew most of the animals from watching Diego. I told you there's nothing that bad with TV! They actually knew what a Tapir was!
Unfortunately, I completely forgot my camera for that complete photo op. UGH. Hate it when that happens! It was as hot as Africa, though, so we were sweating like banchees.

Oh, wait! I did find this picture from my phone. Helllllo there, Giraffe!
As of right now, we are set for a shuttle launch on Wednesday morning at 5:30 AM- which means we have to be on site at 12:30 AM. Oh yes. In the AM. And then we are going to drive back North to reality.
Until then, don't forget to click down here and register for a $50 gift certificate to Darby's adorable Bug Boutique! Can't wait to pick a winner tomorrow!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

In case you haven't heard

That's NASA lingo for "we still got up at 1:15 am only to find out we had no where to go".
The good thing is that we hadn't woken the kids up, yet. And I have to admit I was pretty happy that I got to go back to sleep.

We officially still have our cool tickets, but depending on what "they" say today, we might or might not come home. I'm still holding out hope, just so I can live with the 2 day trip to get down here. Or the fact that we will most likely have to do it in one day to get back. OK. Can't think about that. Moving on.

While we are here at the beach, we might as well take advantage of the surroundings, so we headed for the beach. We were happy to see some sand on Friday night. And then we ran into some locals.
And then Ollie and Henry got to try out their beach toys.
Henry is NOT impressed at all with the ocean. He is very skeptical, screams and does not want to go near the "scawy wat-y".
So he got to hang out with his Nana on the sand.
Saturday we were happy to get in the ocean. There's never anything wrong with your toes in the waves, right?
Ollie was in heaven and built castles and played ALL morning with his dad and grandpa.
And might possibly have gotten buried in the sand. Saturday afternoon we hung out in the super cool pirate area of the kids pool {but didn't get any pictures since I was in the pool with the kiddos} so we were pretty water logged yesterday. A perfect day at the beach!
So we are still here in Cocoa Beach and are trying to make lemons out of lemonade- or sand out of sand spurs. We might go to the Kennedy Space Center today to visit since they owe us. And maybe I can talk them into a launch soon. I can be pretty persuasive.
Don't forget to pop down here and register for a $50 gift certificate from Darby at The Bug Boutique! You have until Tuesday!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Family Ties

I am so happy to announce that Jason's sister, Carrie and her family have moved back to town! Carrie is watching our doggies this weekend, so she is already helping us out tremendously!!
Thank you, Carrie!!!

I'm so glad you and your sweet family are here. Ollie and Henry are BESIDE themselves to play with their cousins every day.
And, in case I ever need any help with your brother, I know you've got my back... or his head.

Don't forget to click down here and comment for a chance to win a $50 gift certificate to The Bug Boutique!! CUTE STUFF!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

T minus 32 hours and counting

Me and Hubs as Space Camp Counselors riding Space Shot (circa 1998-ish)
Do you know the story of how Jason and I met? If so, then you'd know we are space geeks.

As in, moon boot wearing, shuttle tile owning, trivia knowing, astronaut loving, downright dorks for some NASA.

So, with that in mind, I planned a secret trip for Jason's birthday {which is today!} to see a Space Shuttle Launch. It just so happened that one is planned on a Saturday {fewer days to take off work}, near his birthday and it's one of the last shuttle launches that will ever happen. AND I GOT ON SITE TICKETS!!!!! {Of course you don't have to have tickets; you can see it from anywhere on the right side of Florida, but since we're geeky- in case you missed that above- I wanted to go all out.}

The tickets we got are about 6 miles away- which is the closest you can be so your heart doesn't stop and all {minor details}.

We will spend Thursday night in Georgia and then we'll head down to the Cape {watch out, don't trip over my geeky-ness} on Friday.

The launch is scheduled for 7:19 AM Eastern Time on Saturday.

Which means we have to be on site by 2:30 AM on Saturday. Apparently that time exists; I had no idea. They shut all roads around Kennedy Space Center near a launch, so you have to be there really early before they close everything down.

Did I mention we are taking our kids and Jason's parents? We are.

Must go finish packing!
Sunscreen? Check.
Bug spray? Check.
Video camera? Check.
Stories that will one day force my own children to also be space dorks? Check.

Don't forget to scroll down a post there or click here and register for The Bug Boutique Giveaway! You have until Tuesday!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Bug Boutique GIVEAWAY

It's giveaway time!
I'm so excited for you to meet my friend, Darby. {Not to be confused with this Darby who is wonderful in blog land and in real life- whose husband I grew up with.}

Darby and I were sorority sisters in college and probably have a few embarrassing pictures together floating around on Facebook. We lived together my freshman year in a dorm that was literally condemned the minute Spring Semester was finished. Falling tiles and exposed insulation; we loved every minute of it!

She lives in South Florida now {probably without a crumbling elevator} and has an ADORABLE boutique called The Bug Boutique- named after her son whose nickname is "bug". Isn't that cute?

Here is Darby and her cute fam {picture swiped from afore-mentioned facebook}:
So Darby is super crafty and talented and makes wonderful handmade purses, diaper bags, aprons, dresses, burp cloths- you name it! She has fabrics galore to choose from or you can even have her choose what she thinks looks good together based on what you tell her you like {I love this option because it takes me forever to decide that kind of thing}.

Darby has offered a $50 gift certificate to her shop for one lucky blog commenter! How much fun!

Here is what you need to do to enter:
1) Go to Darby's site, The Bug Boutique and window shop. I guarantee she has something for you or a gift that would be perfect for someone you know.

2) Pop back here and comment in the comment section {just click on the orange portion there on the bottom right that says "comments"} on your favorite item. That will earn you one entry. Be sure I have your e-mail address if you'd like to win.

3) For another entry, you can become a follower of this-here blog {right hand column over there- those cute little people- you can be one, too!}. If you are already a follower just comment a second time to let me know that you are or that you became one.

4) For a third entry {if you are so inclined} you can blog about this giveaway. Come back and comment again to tell me if you do that.

Winner will be chosen by on Tuesday, June 16th at 8 pm {or as soon as I can get my kiddos to sleep}.

If I was playing, I believe I would pick this:Or a couple of these tops {for my nieces' birthdays coming up soon}: Or maybe a handbag or 12 for myself:

Good thing I'm not playing. But you should! So go visit Darby and come on back here and tell me what you love!

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