Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Bigger the Boys

Since I'm starting a monogramming business, I've had a lot of boxes delivered here lately with items for inventory.
Today Ollie said, "I wish that 'PS' man would bring us more boxes so we could build a house".

When Jason got home I was telling him about the "PS" man and he had a brilliant idea! Why in the world hadn't we used that huge box that the embroidery machine came in for the kids to play? So that's just what we did.

Hours of entertainment
April 10.3 021

provided by one big box with a door.
April 10.3 022

But I was quickly kicked out because (believe it or not) I'm a GIRL!
April 10.3 026

But that's not the only toy my boys had to play with tonight.

Tonight they dressed in the colors of a Toys R Us store and played with a new iPad.
April 10.3 036

Let me be very clear: we do NOT own one of these contraptions.
Jason's co-worker lent him one to experiment with.
April 10.3 039

I'm pretty sure we couldn't buy anything with that name.
REALLY? What were they thinking? I thought you had more in you, Apple. Can you think of a worse name?

And just what was this new, high-tech, fancy machine capable of?

Drawing trains.
April 10.3 041

Good thing we didn't have a coloring book; I'd hate for the kids to have to WORK for their trains.

So our night ranged from low-tech to super poorly named high-tech.
Do you love tech-y toys at your house?

I'll admit we got a TiVo when they first came out and can't live without it (it's right below shelter and water on that survival chart from 5th grade as far as I'm concerned). And I'm married to a gadget lover (aren't all men??), so we have a few toys around here.

What's on your Inspector Gadget Wish List?


elizabeth said...

I'm with you on the naming of the new Apple device...ugh. (I will refrain from making my off-color joke now...)

Gadgets I want? My list does include an Apple product, but not the poorly-named one. I want a new Apple computer and Adobe Lightroom for my photography business...

Have a great day,

Allison @ Alli 'n Son said...

Yes, yes, terrible name.

My son loves to play with boxes too. I haven't been banned yet, but I'm sure that time will come.

On my wish list is an iPhone, which I will be getting this summer. I can't wait!

Tara said...

I don't like techy toys either. I refuse to buy any of those hand-held games or video games until teenage years. Andrew is still addicted to them at 32, and he is on board. (But I think it is because he knows it would cut into his own playstation time so that is probably the reason for him.) I love things that make the kids use their own imagination and actually "play"!

DVR is certainly on our list of things we can't live without. It is right up there with the invention of air conditioner.

I am thinking about getting an iPhone in the next few months and that would be a HUGE step in my technology world. Heck, we are just now ordering a scanner to copy old pictures that aren't on the computer. It usually takes us a few years to take the plunge. :)

I am so excited for you and your new adventure/business!!

Rochelle said...

Nice! Very creative. Love the box with the knob and lock!

I'm totally with you on the naming of the iPad. But I shamelessly want one anyway.

Stephanie B said...

I also agree on the poor naming of the iPad. Did they really NOT do any focus groups or pre-launch surveys or anything?!?!

As for geeky tech toys, that's hubby's department. He considered it a coup when he convinced me to upgrade my last cell phone (that was 2+ years old) to one that actually has a keyboard. Blame my lovely sister for making me text more, therefore making it necessary for me to have a keyboard on my phone. (Phones are for TALKING, for crying out loud!) Anyway, that's not what you asked... the only gadgets I would really love to have would be an espresso maker (the kind that you sit on top of your stove burner and percolate and costs like $20) and an immersion blender. Hey, you didn't say they had to be *high* tech toys. :-)

Jennifer S. said...

ok DH will want to hear Jason's report on the iPad. Surely he'll start his own blog just for that right? ha ha As for techy toys I hate to admit that I have stooped to letting my 3 1/2 year old use my iphone 3G (which she has more than mastered btw especially when it comes to silencing alarms and etc) and have gotten phonics apps and other super educational ones such as the bubble wrap app and etc to occupy her when I want to lay in bed a few minutes longer or do some grocery shopping while she tags along. I have our dear friend Melissa to thank for that idea though. What...bubble wrap is not educational?

Anna Blumenfeld said...

I love my kindle! It's my favorite techy toy right now!

Dawn said...

looks like fun at your house! and i am right with you on the tivo :) someitmes i wonder if i should put it ahead of water...

i saw one of those ipads in action the other night... i was sitting behind some kid (who should have been paying attention to the awards ceremony) and he was racing cars. it was neat to see, but i sure won't be running out to get one! i's rather have another tivo :)

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