Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Blogger-View: Mary from Giving Up on Perfect

Do you ever just want to sit down with someone whose blog you read and ask them questions about their laundry? Or silly questions about their routines? Or you know- the tough ones- like who they prefer: Zach or Slater?

Mary from Giving Up on Perfect and I decided we would start with each other to give you a little more insight into us. Hopefully, I plan on continuing this with other bloggers {so let me know who you'd like the scoop on!} who keep me in stitches, inspire me and encourage me daily. Because that's what it's all about.
That AND pre-teen television, of course.

Mary and I became instant friends at She Speaks, our children share exact birthdays and we both are very quirky. We email dozens of times a day {most days} and talk on the phone when our fingers are sore. She is just plain fun, lovely, smart and I enjoy her so very much. She makes my sides hurt when we are together so that totally counts as a workout. Her blog will tickle your funny bone and bring a sentimental tear to your eye in the same posts- and that's why she's an amazing writer for (In)Courage and Blissfully Domestic.  Blissdom 10
I'm sure you will love her, too!

Here are my questions (really Mary's questions, but posed by me- in bold) and Mary's answers (below).  Enjoy!

Dogs or cats?
Have you ever smelled a dog? Because I have. And no thank you.

Cats are soft and smushy and low maintenance, and they climb up into your arms or burrow into your shoulder in bed, because they think they’re actually your babies.

No? That’s just my cat? Huh.

White bread or wheat bread?
Is there anything worse than getting soft white bread stuck to the roof of your mouth? Ick. I buy whole wheat bread, much to my husband’s dismay. But I have to admit [This is just between us, right?]: I really prefer the honey wheat bread that has no more health benefit than the mushy white stuff. Mmmm . . . honey wheat . . .

Over or under (toilet paper roll)?
Over. Are we still debating this in 2010? What are we, Neanderthals? [Who came up with these questions, anyway?]

Pop or soda?
This is the question that divided my college. Half of the students were from Kansas City and drank pop. The other half were from St. Louis and were wrong. I drink pop, preferably of the Coke from McDonald’s variety.

Seriously, though . . .

What’s your blog about?
It’s about my gloriously imperfect life. I write about my family, my faith, my struggles, my mistakes, my weird quirks and my bizarre obsessions. And then I throw in books, cooking, weight loss (No, of course they’re not connected!), TV, movies and random memories from my past. You know, the important stuff.

original christmas pic 2

Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging because I was lonely and bored. I’d lost my job and had a newborn, and my husband worked evenings. Eventually I found a new job, but it wasn’t a place where I could really use my skills. So I started a blog, to talk about important things, stupid things, my things.

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever experienced, thanks to blogging?
If by “weird,” you mean “wonderful,” then I would say making new friends all over the world (okay, mostly the country, but you know what I mean). And meeting them in real life and hugging their necks and falling even more in totally-not-weird-friend-love with them? Well, I would never have guessed this would be part of my life, but I am so thankful it is.

Also, I won a Swiffer Wet Jet (from a blog giveaway) that is still – six months later – sitting in my garage, because I hate cleaning.

What’s your favorite part of the day?
These days, my favorite part of the day is the moment my two-year-old daughter sees me when I pick her up at daycare. Hearing her say, “Mommy! My mommy!” makes up for all the rotten that the day could have given me.
{Hillary here- obviously Annalyn is not 2 here below. She is a normally developing child who is 2 in the picture above. But don't you love this picture?}
Mary and Annalyn
Favorite quote?
The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself. (Anna Quindlen)

Favorite blog (other than your own and mine, of course)?
I can’t just pick one, so here are a few: Give Me My Remote, Shaun Grove’s blog, Sarah Markley’s blog {Can I add Sarah's to my list, too?}, Michael Hyatt’s blog, noodleroux, Brazen Careerist and Rants & Ramblings on Life as a Literary Agent.

Yes, that’s what I call “a few.”

Salty or sweet?
Both, please. For example, peanut M&Ms. Or perhaps chocolate-covered pretzels.

Or we can just go with the never-ending cycle of salty-sweet-salty-sweet. You know, that’s when you eat something salty (nachos) and need to chase it with something sweet (Coke). Then you really need to eat something else salty to cut the sweet (burrito), but find that afterwards you just need a bite (or two) or something sweet to cap off the meal (brownie). And then you keep going round and round and get rounder and rounder . . .

Mac or PC?
I’m a PC. Although, I don’t think I’m quite as nerdy as that guy in the commercials. But I might be close.

Zack or Slater?
Apparently this was a no-brainer for Hillary. I, on the other hand, am a little more wishy-washy complicated.

After much consideration, I have to go with Zack. If we’re talking circa 1991 Zack and Slater, then yes, Zack.

But what if we’re talking Zack with the weird hair in that USA Network show vs. Slater on Dancing with the Stars? You may not be familiar with my love of dancing, so you may not understand why this would change anything. Especially when we still have to factor in hot, grown-up Zack on NYPD Blue and sleazy, cheats on his new wife Slater.

Oh, the debate. It may go on forever. But I’m pretty sure if there’s one thing we can agree on, it’s that Screech did not age well. Am I right, or am I right?

: : : : : : : : :
See? Don't you love her?
And, yes, Mary. I think we can all agree there. Screech did not age well and he did not make the best choices post-Saved by the Bell. I think he should have stuck with Lisa Turtle.

And if you'd like to see my answers, they're over at Mary's blog today!

What questions would you like to ask your favorite bloggers?
And I'll be happy to do the leg
{er, um... email} work for you. Who would you like to hear from {besides, of course, Mary}?


Ivy said...

Cute idea!! I enjoyed it:)

Anonymous said...

This made my day! So stinkin' funny!

Rochelle said...

I've always loved Mary... she cracks me up in ways I didn't think were blog-possible. :) But now I love you too from your interview on her blog! Oh so many good blogs out there. :) I'll be visiting again for sure.

And yeah, Screech for sure didn't age well! Zach it was for me way back when, now it'd def be Slater. Although let's be real, there are way hotter guys than that on TV nowadays. Have you not watched Chuck, NCIS, or Smallville?

What it's just me?

Don't worry, hubster knows. If Tom Welling, Michael Weatherly, or Zachary Levi knocks on our door, Tim knows he's a goner.


Shelly Wildman said...

What a great idea! I love this! And I love Mary too. :)

nicole said...

Fun! I agree with her regarding bread and cats. Strangely, I have no preference on the toilet paper debate, as long as the roll is replaced when used up.

Melissa said...

LOl. Great interview. That's awesome that you guys are such good friends. Those are hard to come by.

Allison @ Alli 'n Son said...

I love it when my toddler says My Momma or My Dad-oo. It's just so cute.

And chocolate covered pretzels are my fave too. Yum.

Love your blog!

thediaperdiaries said...

I adore you both and immediately added your blogs to my reader after meeting you at Blissdom. Here's to hanging out again soon!!!

Michelle said...

Love this Hillary! Fantastic new addition to the blog.

If you need question inspiration, you could always look to those Book of Questions books, they have some hilarious and fun questions.

Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect said...

Awww! Hillary, your commenters are super sweet, and I love them! Thanks for the interview/blog swap/fun times! :)

Anonymous said...

Amiable fill someone in on and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you seeking your information.

Give Me My Remote said...

Thanks for the great read! Mary is great, and I always love reading her comments on GMMR. Thanks for the blog love, Mary!!


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