Monday, April 12, 2010

What's in a Name?

When naming children, you have to consider several important things: spelling (will they have to spell their name their whole lives?), initials (Jason went to school with a girl whose name was similar to Anna Suzanne Smith- rough upper elementary years...) and whether or not it rhymes with any potty or mild curse words (let's just say my maiden name rhymed with a lovely bodily function, okay? Not that you can change that, but it did come up in the "banana fana fo" whatever song).

Naming children is especially tough. For us, we have used family names to get in as many wills as possible because we like for their names to have roots. And we like to recycle. Just consider it a green name.

Another tradition we have is that we keep the name a surprise until the child is born: thus the reason you may have seen my mother leaving snide remarks about our new baby-to-be's name in the comments section. She hates this. HATES it as much as not sending a thank you note- OR MORE. Maybe as much as not wearing a slip to church, but I'm not sure exactly where it is on her spectrum of things that irk her.

The reason we do this is because people like to comment before a child is born on their name as if it's still up for discussion when it most likely is not. Or else they say something like, "Sadie? That's our dog's name! I love it!" and then you have to go back to the drawing board. So, we figure that no one can say anything bad about a baby they are holding and it's fun to have at least ONE surprise.

Another naming issue was coming up with a business name. How in the world do you do that?
We tossed around The Other Mama Monogramming but it sounds like Charlie Brown's teacher has a studder when you say it out loud. I'll wait. Go ahead.

So, after much discussion, the name of the business is: Mint Julep Monograms.
You like? Kinda Southern, kinda sassy, makes me thirsty... you know, the important things.
(Please keep in mind I already own the domain, things are printed with this and it's not changing. Kind of like you're holding my business baby in your hands, so please don't tell me your dog is named this.)

I'm having so much fun with my big honkin' machine and all the fun fabric! Here are a few projects I did this weekend (minus a few t-shirts that I forgot to take pictures of before I gave to a friend yesterday, but I will be showing up at her house with my camera because I'm pushy like that. And  minus the hat that I'm currently wearing, thus making it impossible to take a picture of it; I'm sure it will be in some pics soon.):

A cute little girls bag for church (crumbled up goldfish on the bottom not included)
BTW, I have a few of these in stock if you're interested.
Church bag

A fun pirate T-shirt for a friend whose 4 year old wanted a "Pirate skull and cross bones t-shirt" and whose mommy didn't want something with fiery flames and the devil on it. I think this is a good compromise! I love it and O-man will be sporting one very soon, too!
Pirate T-shirt

This weekend I also went to a baby shower for a sweet little boy who will be here any day! And I was so excited to give my first "homemade" gifts!
Isn't this argyle, fun? I can put cute girly fabrics in there, too!
Boy argyle baby onesie

I love a brown bib because it doesn't show all the crud that actually gets on a bib!
I have them in pink and blue trim, as well.
Chocolate and mint burp cloth and bib

And then I had to make a little something for me, right? These kitchen towels are great and I already washed and dried them all so you wouldn't get a cute towel with something on it that looked like a raisin after you washed it. I've had that happen several times and it's not what you would call cute.
Cross Kitchen towel

So that's my weekend in review. I might consider a Monogramming Monday update on a semi-regular basis if you are interested. If not, just tell me that's your dog's name and I'll get the hint.

How was your weekend? Any fun spring projects?


Rochelle said...

You are such a riot, I love it!! :) "A green name" had me in stitches.

By the way, my dog really is named that.

Oh wait...I don't have a dog.

Kelly said...

Love you keep the name a suprise .. We named Parker Elizabeth easily by using family names. When #2 came alone, we only had one family name left - Avery but we didn't like as a boys first name. We finally settled on Grant Avery about 2 weeks before he was born. It made for interesting conversation.

Love the business name! Can't wait to buy something from you once you go interstate!

Elyse said...

So excited for you and your new business. I am sure you'll be super busy which is also great! Love the name, too. Maybe one day I'll get up the nerve to start my own business....until then, I'll enjoy watching yours grow~love the machine, too!

Emily said...

i love it, hill!!

Mr. and Mrs. Nurse Boy said...

OK, so I CLAIM my name when I am pregnant. It is my way of saying... that is MY name, so don't even think about it... and, if I change my mind, you just might end up hating me.

I REALLY think Sweet Pea needs some pink argyle! And, I KNOW I need some kichen towels!! Do you have tan or brown... we tend to have grubby hands around here! But, seriously, how do I order? How do I find out prices? Are you even ready to take orders? Can you tell I am excited?

Mrs. NB

Tara said...

I love "Green Names" daughter is named after my Grandmother, my mom and we hit a bunch of wills all at once! I L-O-V-E the idea of Monogram's fun sharing ideas and seeing what others have found. I used Bird on a Vine from Applique Cafe this past weekend and oh my, it may be the cutest thing I've ever made! I got the website from a comment on your blog so you've got fans itching to share secrets!

Suz said...

Love these, Hillary! I'm so excited that you're going to have Angel Dear, too! Next baby will have to have personalized loveys. MB will be so jealous.

Ashleigh Baker said...

Love, love, LOVE all of them. So adorable! I feel more Southern just reading this post, girl.

Shelly Wildman said...

Hillary, these are amazing!! Just too cute for words.

chrisannan said...

I LOVE the bag and shirt!!! O-man needs a pirate shirt, too!

Jenny said...

Hillary, those are so cute! And, coming from a Mom who kept her baby names a secret as well...I don't blame you a bit and I can't wait to meet little Hillary ('cause she's going to look just like you-I know it!) when she arrives. Now you just have the hard decision of what to monogram for her coming home outfit from the hospital.

Rebecca Setzer Schroeder said... I just got a embroidery machine just before you announced yours...mine is still in the case...cause I am afraid to try it. I want to make some towels for our swim team but I would like to use fabric like you did with the cross...I just can't figure it out. Lord, help I gotta do something quick though...that big machine is taking up space and not being use AND the hubby no likey!

MAK said...

I love it! I can't wait to order some stuff and I would love to see some Monogramming Mondays!

Jennifer Moseley said...

Girl- you are too funny! I like reading your blogs for my daily laugh and now I can check out all the cute stuff you are making! Where can I see prices??

Anonymous said...

Oh. My. Gosh. My Dog REALLY IS named Mint Julep!

Srsly - NOT!! His name is Maxwell, Maxwell Noir. I wanted to name him Guy Noir a-la Garrision Keillor's famous character on PHC, but my next door neighbor goes by 'Guy' and I didn't want Lara to think I was always yelling at her hubby.

All of that aside, when we were choosing the dog's name, I actually went out into the back yard and yelled it across the lower forty to be sure that a) it would carry; b) I wouldn't feel stupid yelling his name; and c) no other dogs or stray kids came running up to the house expecting a free meal.

Anonymous said...

You are a hoot! Thanks for letting me see the baskets in person. Do you have anything that would be a lunch bag? Trying to do better about taking my lunch to work.

Lynn said...

Love the name!! I will definitely have to place an order when you are ready to deal with all the shipping and whatnot!!

Matt, Carrie, Lucy and Molly Allen said... baby girls (LUCY and MOLLY)are both named very popular (but very cute i must say) dog's names! i just like to say that i like the names enough to commit to actually naming my children those names and not just a pet. so, if you have a pet named lucy or molly, it doesn't bother me...not one bit!

Lindsey said...

so funny! we named all of ours on their birth days. mostly because we couldn't decide until then. no one knew before, much to most of the grandparents' dismays... love all the monogramming stuff! are you seeing dollar signs:)?

Brandi said...

You are so right with the name thing. We've always told, but a few times we've wished we hadn't... like when my Dad told us the name we picked for our 3rd child was 'snooty.' When that didn't change our minds, he told me it was 'gay.' Seriously. We kept the name anyway and I don't think it's snooty or gay and I can't imagine him being named anything else.

Love the business name, and the stuff your making is FABULOUS!

Allison @ Alli 'n Son said...

Love the name. And your products. I wish I knew someone expecting a baby so I could order something.

Melissa said...

Love the Mint Julep name and all the cute stuff! I'm with you on the baby names. We kept our names a secret until they were born too.

Erin said...

two things:

1. I love, LOVE, LOOOOOVE the name!! My blog name is also the name I want to use when I open my bakery (we already own the domain name).

2. Your kitchen towels with the cross is precious. As in, how much? I really want some!

Staci said...

Cute Hilary! I like it! And I agree with you about keeping baby girl's name a surprise. Being a teacher REALLY eliminates some otherwise good names!

Joanie said...

I love the name, I love the items! I also TOTALLY agree about people and their opinions on baby names. I've gotten some rather heated ones in the process of trying to name this little bumblebee.

I'm in love with those bibs!

Amy said...

Okay, I laughed out loud when I said "Other Mama Mongramming"! Too funny!

LOVE the Mint Julep name. Very Southern - and you can't go wrong with that! Very cute stuff, too!

Lane Gunter said...

I can't wait for baby girl to get here because the suspense is driving me crazy! Will you reveal her real name on the blog or will I have to get the details from Holly?! :)
I think the monogramming Monday is a great idea!! It shows people new things and gives them ideas for what to order!! I can't wait to see all the goods!

Holly-- The Storm Chaser said...

Names are hard! I'm all, "But how will that look on a resume??" And we go "green" too. Only, we've had four boys in a row, so we ran out of the good ones. Our options for the last were Homer and Azel. No, I'm not kidding. And no, we didn't use either. This is absolutely awful, but we got so desperate to make the name we finally chose a family name (his middle name actually is) that since I did indeed have a dog named Bo (like when I was 5 yrs old) we said that was the family link there. He was a great dog though! :-) And we felt so guilty over the whole- everyone else has family names- issue, I didn't want Bo to feel left out!
Okay, so longest comment I've ever left, ever.
All that to say, Good Luck!

Lyn said...

I so agree to keep names secret!

Can you tell me how much a extra small (whatever size comes after 4T) skull shirt would run? I just got invited to a pirate party for my nephew who's turning 5 in May.

Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect said...

Love the brown bibs and the argyle onesie!

We kept Annalyn's name a surprise, and my mother ALSO was upset. And since she is also offended by the absence of a slip and/or thank you note, I think I know what you're dealing with. Be strong. :)

Naming Annalyn, by the way, was SO hard! I didn't want something weird, but I also didn't want something common. I didn't want it to rhyme with a lot of things (like Mary - it rhymes with a LOT of things, such as hairy and scary), or as you pointed out, spell anything weird in initials.

Little did I know that naming her would be NOTHING compared to dealing with childcare, tantrums and potty training. :)

Kristen Durham said...

I am just in love with all of your stuff!!!! You are so very talented!!
I will keep you busy!

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