Tuesday, January 5, 2010

If They Mated

Thank you all so much for your kind and encouraging words about our next babe. Jason and I are really thrilled. We appreciate your prayers and love so much! And I promise to answer all your questions soon.

I also wanted to clarify about tummy pictures. I LOVE your tummy! Truly, I do! Especially if you are keeping track of week by week shots, etc. I- along with everyone else in the world- LOVE that.

But I have carried 2, very large, babies and my stomach and sides CURRENTLY look like the topigraphical road map from my 4th grade classroom. There is NO telling what it will look like while preggers during or after a 3rd. Did you see that Jon and Kate where she showed her tummy before the plastic surgery? Well, it's not that bad, but just imagine that and thank me. There might be a few clothed shots if taken by accident. We'll see.

Anyway, I started thinking tonight that you already know what my first 2 children look like; they look pretty similar, I think.

But, just for kicks, what if this next child looked completely different? I mean, I know it will still look like us {at a fain-cee party on New Year's Eve}:

Happy New Year!

But what if we had a little girl?

A bearded, little girl???

New Years Eve- morphed

Would you still say she was cute?

This could be our future at stake here, so I need the truth, friends.

I, for one, think she is beautiful! :)


Unknown said...

Either a boy or a girl, you will have an adorable child! You and Jason are both adorable in looks as well as your insides! I am secretly hoping for a girl. Since I had 2 boys and no girls, it has been so special for us to have a granddaughter! Clothes are so precious for a little girl. Sally Kate needs a playmate too!If you have another boy, that will be fantastic too!You can pass down lots of clothes and toys, etc.

brooke said...

SO glad I ran in to you at Target! COngratulations.....I'm so happy for you and your fam. I can't wait to find out what God has in store for you :) Take care and I'll be keeping in touch!

dawn said...

as long as you teach her to shave early on...she'll be quite a looker!

Amico Dio said...

I obviously missed yesterdays post... somehow.


~from another big preggo woman who only gives birth to near 10lb babies.

I totally understand the "not wanting to show the belly" issue but honey... that is what Photoshop is for!

Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect said...

You are crazy! And I will love ALL your children no matter how, um, UNIQUE this third one may look! ;)

Hollie and Janie said...

if you teach her to use hot rollers, she'll be just fine! also, you look gorgeous on NYE!!!

~k said...

YAY HIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I couldn't get to the computer to post my Yay yesterday(not so easy on the phone!) but wanted to tell you congrats!!! So happy for ya'll!!!!

Brandi said...

What the???? Holy smokes, I MISSED a post somewhere!!! CONGRATS!!! (okay, now I have to go back and read this post 'cause I stopped after I read the exciting news)!

Jenny said...

Well, take heart that even if you dressed her in all pink, people would still comment about what a cute little boy she is..some people just don't notice the subtle clues of gender-specific clothing! :) Although having a beard would really throw folks off track...

The Incredible Shrinking Woman said...

That picture is just not right... lol

maggie may said...

even with the beard, she would be beautiful. at least that's what i'd tell you and her to your faces. :)

Lisa said...

Congrats on # 3!

Rachel Olsen said...

Um ... well ... there's no accounting for taste ... and beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and all that ... but I sure hope she has a little less facial hair.

On the upside though, you won't have to spend Friday nights during her teenage years wondering if some boy is hitting on her!

Just now learning of your prune-sized news. CONGRATS, dear one!!!!!!!! Judging from all your pics on here (besides this one) you two sure do make cute babies. :)

Elizabeth said...

I am dear friends with your cousin-in-law, Debbie R! She told me about your blog, recently, and I thought I'd stop by to say hello. I have enjoyed reading your blog, most definitely! I can't wait to spend a little more time reading your archives.
Debbie told me about your blog because, I, too, wrote about (and read, religiously) The Pioneer Woman! I went to her cookbook signing, here in Houston (you'll have to read about it, if you get a chance--"So Close, Yet, So Far").... Love her blog!
Please swing by and visit my blog, if you get a chance. I just started a few months back, so I'm still learning the ropes, etc. It's been fun, so far.

Again, thanks for the entertaining blog entries! I'm glad Debbie told me about your site.

All the best,


www.esimmons.wordpress.com (blog)

Anonymous said...

I've just caught up on all my blogging "buddies" and realized you announced you're pregnant this week! Man, have I been a bad blog buddy! Congratulations! How very exciting for you and your family!

Krista Button Harris said...

i've made it my new year's resolution to stop by and read your blog more often. you give me the belly laughs!! can you here me down there in 'bama laughing? a beautfiul, bearded girl!!! don't think we have anyone in the circus profession on this side of the family...you'll have to check on the others!!!

Mr. and Mrs. Nurse Boy said...

Thanks for the laugh!!!

Yep... she's... a... beautiful...

Mrs. NB

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