Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Why I love Chuck- and Zac Levi, too

You might have picked up by now that I am crushing on Chuck. I love the show {as mentioned here}, I begged NBC to put the show back on {here} and now he is getting an entire post dedicated to my love.

As I was explaining this infatuation to my husband last night {you think I could keep it from him?}, he said that I loved Chuck because he was just like him. I told him I didn't know he was a secret agent with a computer in his brain and let it go. Then I woke up convinced that he was right!

Here are the Top 5 Reasons My Husband is Just like Chuck/ Zac Levi:

1. Chuck's cover is that he is an IT guy
This means a computer guy. Chuck is in the Nerd Herd {which is the TV show's version of Best Buy's Geek Squad}.
Jason will happily tell you he is a nerd.

2. Chuck is always dependable
Chuck {almost} always catches the bad guys at the end of the hour- despite the fact that my heart is racing and somehow I always wonder how he's going to make it out of this predicament.
Jason is extremely trustworthy. You can really count on him to do anything he says he will do. Period. That's one of the many things that made me marry him.

See, look! He was even voted Most Dependable in high school.

3. Chuck is funny
The show is hysterical. One of my favorite quotes from the last episode:

Awesome/ Devin: "You're incredible! Is that your spy training?"
Chuck: "Duck Hunt, Nintendo."

Jason is, of course, funny, too. When we were scanning in the above picture this morning, I told him how he was *rockin* his braided leather belt.
He quickly responded, "Yes, my pants were definitely NOT on the ground".

4. Chuck is charming
Do I even need to elaborate on this?
Zachary Levi Suit
Of course my hubs is charming, too! Anyone who can find a date at Space Camp is a winner!

5. Zac Levi {the real life person who plays Chuck} is a Christian
He's on the cover of Relevant Magazine this month and talks about being a Christian in Hollywood, his family and upbringing and how his goal is to be friends with people and show them God's love through his words and actions. How awesome is that?
And, thankfully, my sweet hubs is a wonderful Christian man and leader in our home.

The last reason is enough for me to love them both, but since I am a happily married woman, I think Chuck is just going to have to move on without me.

But Harry Connick, Jr.... I will see you next week, my friend. Oh yes. I will.


Dawn said...

oh you make me laugh (surprise, surprise!) we love chuck at our house, too. perhaps not quite as much as you... but close? and what a lucky girl you are to have such a chuck-like hubby! really enjoyed that article about zac levi... he seems way more than a real person :)

erinstwo said...

I've never watched Chuck, but stopped by to read and loved it as always!

Carrie said...

Actually, I think if you mix in Jim from The Office, you've got Jason. I've got the best brother in the world! Definitely Mr. Dependable.

Lauren Thomas said...

Chuck is definitely one of my favorite shows! I LOVE him! So cute!
AND I'm really needing him and Sarah to get together. It's very important for my romantic heart!
Have a great day!

Mrs. Gray's Class said...

What a sweet tribute to your husband. I've never watched the show, but now I'm very curious.

Stephanie B said...

We love Chuck, too! Hubby got me hooked on the show last season.

But, how and where are you seeing Harry next week?!?!? And can I come too? ;-)

Jenny said...

Luuuurv me some Chuck! We went to see Alvin & the Chipmunks 2 about a month ago, and lo and behold Chuck was in it! I never knew his real name until this blog post (thanks!), but his character in the Chipmunk movie is EXACTLY like his usual character on his show. He pulls off the single and geeky role so very well.

And I'll just bet that Jason does have a computer in his brain somewhere... he just has to keep it a secret. I'll keep my eye out for some kung fu.

Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect said...

Well, you know I love Chuck. LOVE! Although I think I like the idea of Jim Halpert + Chuck Bartowski... :)

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Hillary, loved your Blissdom post this year & sorry we didn't meet up last year It's going to be even crazier this time around, but let's be sure & connect, OK?! I want to meet a bunch of new friends this year.

ANd YES, on Harry Connick, Jr.! Hes SO good.

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Hillary, loved your Blissdom post this year & sorry we didn't meet up last year It's going to be even crazier this time around, but let's be sure & connect, OK?! I want to meet a bunch of new friends this year.

ANd YES, on Harry Connick, Jr.! Hes SO good.

TexasBobbi said...

I love Chuck, Casey and Morgan are my fav. characters. We own both seasons on DVD.

Diana said...

I didn't notice the braided belt, but I did notice the nice hair! I call it frat-boy hair and Pat calls it Bama bangs!

Anonymous said...

I am always telling my husband that Chuck is my boyfriend. He has come to accept this as fact and we all live happily ever after!

PS: I don't like you that you get to go to Blissdom! JEALOUS!!

annieck said...

I LOVE this post! I love how you love your hubby. :) I haven't seen the show, but the guy who plays 'Chuck' is adorable! LOVED him in the chipmunk movie.
I had no idea he was/is a Christian. How cool!!

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