Thursday, January 21, 2010

What's Wrong with this Picture?

Here is a shot of our half bathroom downstairs.
Let me know what you think is wrong with this image.
The Bathroom

Here are my thoughts {I have a few}:
The Bathroom 2.0

This is what it looks like almost every. single. day.
You might not know this if you or your family uses an ordinary amount of toilet paper, but that stuff isn't cheap!
Thus you'll notice that half of that pile is wadded rolled right back up.

There are many things wrong with my housekeeping {I wish I would have had a home ec class... seriously!}, but I will just mention that those green letters are conveniently located on top of a serious dust pile. And I only noticed it in the picture.

Has anybody tried those TP protector things so your crazy spirited warm and loving 2 year old doesn't do this every day?
Let me know!

P.S. The rest of my house is decent {except for the other bathrooms, of course}.

P.P.S. Seriously, if you know anything about those vents, please don't keep it to yourself!


Brandi said...

HAHA! I was so preoccupied with the TP that I didn't even notice the mix-matched potty.

Rachel Olsen said...

Know nothing about the air vents.

Or about how to keep kids from unrolling the toliet paper for fun.

But piles of TP dust that collects on the floor around the TP holder - that I am very aquainted with!

pcb said...

Is keeping the door closed an option?(with one of those door knob thingies that make it impossible for a toddler to open)

Hillary @ The Other Mama said...

Good thinking, Pendy!
Unfortunately for this bathroom, it has a sliding pocket door that stays open most of the time. :(
Good thinking, though!

Unknown said...

At least that pile didn't wind up IN the potty & necessitate a plunger drying out in the corner (like at our house.) Still looking for a TP-pile cure myself. (Man, kids can be as bad as cats!)

Diana said...

Or your child could sleep-pee. Logan was found to be peeing in his trash can in his room last night. He has no conscious recollection of it. At least it was in the trash can and not all over the floor...

Stephanie B said...

I have those vents in my house, too.

Console yourself with the knowledge that eventually they grow out of the TP pile....

Suzanne said...

Try squooshing the roll of tp down a little bit before putting it on. It makes it a little slower to unroll and hopefully a little less fun. I've also heard of putting the roll on so that it rolls from the bottom, but don't know about that one for sure. Hope this helps!

Val said...

Try a mobile home supply place for the vents. Good luck!

Hollie and Janie said...

I'll trade ya! Janie prefers to drink from the toilet, so she, kindly, leaves behind dirt, leaves, general muck in the toilet water! She has that furry face and beard which holds everything! When I go to use the potty, it freaks me out every time! This also means I have to be very careful with what I use to clean someone's "water" bowl/toilet!

Jennifer s. said...

I'd call your tile taupe and not pink! You can work with it....pastel pink like I"ve seen in some houses wouldn't go very well with having 3 men in the house. ha ha We have those TP holders that stand up vertically and that helps b/c it doesn't 'spin' but I guess you are stuck with the built in model.

Karla said...

Hi Hillary,
Belated congratulations on your big news! That's awesome.

I can't believe we haven't been by to pick up the dresser yet. Do you still have it or did you give up on us? Keith is heading out of town Sunday but I may be able to get him to swing by there on Saturday if you guys are available.

This is one of the reasons I love your blog, you keep it real. We have those vents in our home too. We replaced the old yucky ones which I'm sure were original to the house with new ones last year. We found them at Home Depot or Lowe's. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with the picture? Um...absolutely nothing! Looks like a typical powder room in a home with small boys. :)

Holly-- The Storm Chaser said...

Forget the toilet paper... what amazes me is that you don't have yellowish puddles all around and dripping from the toilet. And extra points for the seat and lid both being down! Girl, you are doing a fab job potty training those boys! If mine could just aim......

Katie said...

First of all Other Mama, let me say, that you look adorable preggers. Second, I'm going to Lowe's ASAP to find me a pink/beige potty. Third, I have three kiddos who thankfully have not been too big into the unrolling of TP or, God forbid, putting things into the potay (can I get an AMEN!), but I did have a cat once that loved to sharpened his filthy litterboxed claws on the Angel Soft. Maybe he just liked to squeeze the Charmin huh? Anyway, after he sharpened, he commenced to unrolling. If you ever caught him in the act, it was America's Funniest Video worthy and you could impose your own music here and sing a little "Rolling, Rolling, Rolling on the riva!" It was a hoot! If he had an entire bachelor weekend alone, he would then shred said Charmin all over the bathroom like he was pumped up on some roids or was dealing with some real anger issues. God rest his finicky soul and God bless my perfectly unclawed TP.

the jewells said...

Well, I have a seven year old son and the TP pile is still very common in our house, except ours is usually a little wadded up looking...???? And there are also yellowish stains all over the seat. Niiiiiiiice.....

Jennifer Young said...

I'm new to your site, but I just HAD to comment on this. How did you get in my house and take a picture of my bathroom?? Haha. We have a 1/2 bath in our room that looks exactly like this. Except you left out the pink sink. And the old light over the sink with the only outlet in the room. That you can't even plug a dang hair dryer into without taking the cover off. Geez.

We have a 3 yo, but he never had a chance with the TP. Because we have a dumb cat who loves to chew and claw toilet paper. That's right. She is a destroyer. Our TP holders are built into the (pink tile) walls and are very low to the ground, so they are right in her radar. When people visit, they think they are doing us a favor by putting the TP on the roll. I then have a million shreds of TP all over the floor and a useless roll. Thanks, guys. Haha.

I've decided to embrace my 1960's pink tile and work with it. It's good quality and replacing it is just too expensive. The pink toilets and sinks will go someday though!

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