Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Attack of the Killer Robots: A Love Story

Once upon a time, there was a lull in sales between Christmas and Easter, so florists {some of whom are related to me} and greeting card companies created a holiday to generate some revenue in boring, cold February.

This holiday is meant to center around love, happiness and romance. But to little {and big} boys, this silliness seems ridiculous.

Unless it involves robots.

In our house they are alien robots and they have a story.
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On a planet far, far away, 2 robots landed and were enjoying their sweet life- filled with candy and barcodes.
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Then, as luck would have it, they found many alien robot friends to play and live with them.
They were loving life in a delicious foreign world we will call CandyLandisous.
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Then one day, an astronaut arrived!
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He tried to take over their village and eat their eyes and feet {GROSS}!!!
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Unfortunately, only one robot alien had arms, but he did all he could do and led the others in a revolt.
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They circled the astronaut and told him there was NO way off this planet alive.
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When the standoff was at its worst, a nearby hero came to the rescue.
Thomas the Tank Engine also lived on their planet. He settled the fears of the anxious alien robots and he brought some food to the astronaut so he wouldn't be hungry.
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Thomas married a lovely blue robot and they all lived happily ever after.
The End.

: : : : : : : : :

To make your own alien robots with crazy plot lines, you can go to Family Fun Magazine online and print your templates, add candy and have fun!

The only step that they don't clearly outline in the instructions is this part on connecting the robot bottom together.
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Some other hints are:
* Double sided tape is REALLY helpful.
* You might need a cutting partner {4 year old interest seems to wax and wane depending on where you are in the story}.
* Be sure that you don't need to return your cereal, granola bars or spaghetti before you cut the labels off everything in your pantry.
* Children will flock to this project because of the candy. They will also "accidentally" break pieces to see if those are okay to eat. Don't say I didn't warn you.

We plan to finish the arms and address them {on the back} soon- hopefully before the party on Friday.

We also made this Monster Mailbox for Ollie to take to school to receive other stupid Valentine's cards that hopefully have candy his class cards.

What are your Valentine's Day plans?
Do you do anything special with your significant other or children?
{Jason and I cut and put together robots for V-Day. If that definition of romance is wrong, I don't wanna be right.}


Darby said...

Hillary--- Your robots are awesome! Can't wait to hear more about your time at Blissdom and learn what you learned! :)

Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect said...

Wherever did you find so many peppermint patties? :)

Shelly Wildman said...

O.K., how cute are those little robots? Love them! Too bad I don't have anyone who would appreciate them anymore.

Susannah said...

Great job on the robots! I love them...especially for boys to give as V-day treats! How did the Blog Conference go?

Lindsey said...

ummm... planned to do these robots too. unfortunately, we bought a bag of rolos and i ate them all before we had a chance to make the robots. so... the kids got dr. suess valentine's with a peppermint patty in a bag. what can i say... i have no self-control?! but yours sure are cute!

holly said...

ok, you really make us slacker moms look bad. instead of a long comment, i'll post about 4-day later.

Amy @ Living Locurto said...

These are adorable! I never "officially" met you in Nashville. We were in the same Harry Connick Jr. Photo together!! :-) (Swoon!)

Jennifer S said...

We melted and made heart shaped crayons. We'll see if the work tomorrow when I unmold them.

The Mom-tage said...

What a cute idea! You are too funny.

Jenny said...

Those are too doggone cute. :)

Becca @ My Crazy Good Life said...

They are adorable!

And I love your story - I was giggling out loud, until my boss walked by my office and asked what I was laughing at.

Need to stop looking at blogs during work :)

Mr. and Mrs. Nurse Boy said...

You and I sure do think a like! Plus, we read the same magazine! My post today was from that same issue. I, obviously, took the easier route. Yep, you are my valentine making hero! They really are cute!

Mrs. Nurse Boy

Aimee Friedrich said...

So cute! I have a little robot lover too. Love your blog!

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