Thursday, February 4, 2010

Countdown to Bliss

It's finally here! I'm headed to Nashville this morning for the Blissdom Conference and cannot wait to arrive!

Here's the final countdown:

10- outfits packed for 3 days {Don't judge me.}
9- pairs of shoes {This is a girly affair, folks.}
8- million cords and chargers {This is also a geeky affair- in a cute way.}
7- sorts of hair products {'cause I'm a Southern girl and I need some poof}
6- secret candy bars stashed in my bag
5- bags packed {seriously, but they aren't all big bags}
4- extra camera batteries
3- sweet guys I'm leaving behind
2- hour drive
1- man waiting for me. Hello, Harry. I'll be there soon..

Live reports from Blissdom next!

Do you know any other bloggers going that I can meet?
And any special words you'd like me to tell Harry?


Ivy said...

Can't wait to hear about it...have so much fun:)

Jessie Weaver said...

Oh Hillary. Please tell me you are kidding about 9 pairs of shoes. Please?

Kelly said...

A girl can NEVER have too many pairs of shoes!

Please give Harry my best. LOVE HIM!

Safe driving ... I love Nashvegas. It's a 3 hour drive for me!

Jenny said...

Have fun, as I know you will! Tell Harry I'll see him in a few short weeks. You could even blow him a kiss, but that might be taking it too far, ya think?? ;)

Mr. and Mrs. Nurse Boy said...

Have fun!!! By the looks for your list, you and I could be BFFs ;0)

Mrs. NB

meredith said...

Have fun! Moosh in Indy (Casie) will also be there. If you have not read her blog, it's great. She has has some very internal struggles in her life but has come out on top thanks in large part to the blogging community. She has an adorable 5 year old little girl named Addie, nicknamed Moosh.


Anonymous said...

Oooooh, have so much fun! I'm SOOOO jealous! Can't wait to hear all about it! Tell Harry Hi for me!

Lydia said...

Tell Harry to smile BIG for your camera. And then send me a copy! ;-)

Have a great time!!!

Dawn said...

only nine pairs of shoes? wow! restraint!! have a great time... can't wait to hear about the fun!

Karin Katherine said...

I thought I overpacked---but reading your post makes me feel better! LOL

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