Friday, February 12, 2010

An Open Letter to 8th Grade

Dear Eighth Grade,
What did you do with my $27 {wow at the cost; my parents flipped} Hypercolor shirt I HAD to have in 1991? Where is that thing?

And while I'm thinking about it, where are all those Sam and Libby ballet slipper things with the lovely bow on the top? I'm pretty sure I had those gems in every color- including red and dark green.

You know what else I'm missing? My T-shirt ties and Banana Clips.

And what ever happened to our family bag phone that we had to take into Wal-Mart with us in case of a world wide emergency?

Where in the world is my Coca-Cola red and white rugby shirt?

What have you done to me, 8th grade? You have filled me with so many memories, but you turned out to be a traitor and left me with nothing.

I think I know what our landfills are full of:GMS 1991 Cheerleading Squad04

Pom-poms, megaphones, videos of Saved by the Bell {the important one where Zak and Kelly didn't go to the prom because her dad lost his job and she gave her dress money to her family- let's just say that one was taped}, 1/4 inch barrel curling irons {for bangs, of course} and shoulder pads.

You were good to me at the time, 8th grade, but I would like to see something tangible from all our time together.

Something important, vital, life changing. Maybe a tape of Smells Like Teen Spirit?

We could call it even, then.


Lydia said...

Love it!! I haven't thought about Sam & Libby shoes in years!!!

Laura said...

Your memory amazes me. I haven't even had kids yet, and I can't remember major moments without prompting, and even's sketchy! Hilarious post, as always. And your recollection did make me remember my YELLOW and white Coca Cola rugby. Good times.

Dawn said...

oh did i love those sam & libbys...
funny... we've been thinking about a lot of these things while we are planning a friends 80's birthday party!

Kellie said...

Stinkin hilarious - the funny thing is...that EXACT same cheerleader outfit is sitting in Emma Claire's dress-up trunk and she and her friends play dress up in it from time to time!!!! Good times..or not!!!!!

meredith said...

Good thing your dad brought you your megaphone from 8th grade. Good times! And let's not forget jelli shoes!

Amy said...

Oh my word!! Had the Coca-cola rugby shirt and the bag phone. In fact, that was my "cell phone" when I left for college. Took up the whole front seat!! :) And the banana clips - why did we ever think they were a good idea?!

Thanks for the laugh!!

Melissa said...

Too funny! I remember all those things too! We thought we were so cool! My students laugh at things from back then, and I enjoy telling them, just wait.....

Unknown said...

Very funny!! Loved Saved By the Bell and Teen Spirit. Had a cheer picture very similar to yours.

~k said...


holly said...


grace said...

I want my slap bracelet back.

Elizabeth said...

Oh, man those Sam and Libby's were so, so big! I'm so glad you had a blast at blissdom!

Holly-- The Storm Chaser said...

How funny. Oh, to have the life (and body) of Kelly Kawposki!

Jennifer said...

You crack me up! I haven't thought of some of those things in a loooong time!

Heather said...

Haaaaaa!! LOVE it.

Joanie said...

Oh my gosh...8th grade. I'm not sure but I MIGHT prefer to forget it! I mostly remember the godawful permed haircut I had! UGH!

By the way, I nominated you for an award on my blog, check it out! =)

Nashville TV Show said...

I don't think my comment went through, but if you get 2 from me ... sorry!!

I remember too many of those!! But my question - what in this world made you think of the coca-cola rugby shirt??? (I so remember those by the way!)

Anonymous said...

What a great resource!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, this made me laugh! I was SO into Sam and Libby shoes...also had them in every color and thought I was oh so cool.

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