Ahhh. I am back from some much needed R & R this weekend. Eight women from our Sunday School class went to Christy's lake house on the Elk River for a women's retreat and I didn't realize how much I needed it until I got there! Friday was a little overcast and cold, but we enjoyed cozying up inside and then Saturday was absolutely gorgous- sunny and warm- and we got to go out on the boat and enjoy some of God's awesome creation.
View from the top deck at Christy's house
Sherill, one of our associate pastors, was kind enough to join us and lead us through a great program of activities and discussion- all about refreshment and renewal. It was all laid back and rejuvenating and I'm so thankful to my husband for making me go (not that I didn't want to, but you know how you never feel like you- as the mom- can leave?).
Here are truths that I rediscovered this weekend:
* We don't have to handle all of our burdens ourselves (seems pretty basic, huh?)
* We don't have to handle all of our burdens ourselves (seems pretty basic, huh?)
* Trust that God will provide all we need. He is the shepherd going ahead of us. (Sheep are dirty, dumb and hard headed... any wonder we are God's sheep in the Bible a lot?)
* Put things up in your home to remind you of the things God has done for you/ is doing for you to remind you of His faithfulness.
* We are children of God and He wants the best for us (like we want the best for our children).
* We can't listen to God if we are always the ones doing all the talking.
(And a lot more, but these are the ones off the top of my head right now.:-)
I knew all these things, but I got to experience them in a new way this weekend. That's why I love retreats and time away like this- they bring you closer to God by getting away from our business of everyday life and get back to the basics. For a long time, I've said "Child of God, Child of God" in my mind when people cut me off in traffic or someone has pink hair at Target- to try not to judge or get angry. But I sometimes forget that I, too, am a child of God! And I do have crosses and scripture in our house, but the thought of buying something to recall a certain event where God has shown His glory and to put that up in your house to help you remember is a great idea.
My favorite time of the weekend was our final session- which we had out of the boat on the Elk River at the mouth of the Tennessee. It was amazingly beautiful and holy. We had communion on the boat (never done that before and would highly recommend it!) and just had a wonderful time.
Me, Christy, Sharon, Gina, Amanda, Sherill and Angie
Jenny Mc was also here, but she was taking the picture. The spot open there is for me to photoshop her in, but I've discovered I'm not as talented as that as I thought I was. :-(Thank you, girls, for the amazing getaway! It was much needed and I can't wait to do it again!
WOW, good for you!!! Sounds like a really amazing weekend.
I'm jealous
i love hearing what you are learning, hil. it is so neat to "watch" you grow in your faith. thanks for always sharing and encouraging me with these truths.
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