Friday, February 6, 2009

Gettin' My Bliss On

I'm at my totally rockin' cool blog conference. Can you tell I'm loving living in a land of my own? There are moms like me, people who love to write like me, wannabe techies like me and real life techies- much UNlike me.

The one thing I've learned so far is that I am SUCH a beginner. I mean these people have business cards. Everyone does. Apparently I missed the memo.
They are cute and designed to look like their blogs. And they throw around terms like SEO and RSS like their calling football plays. I'm so happy there is a beginner's track and a big girl track for the sessions. That's not what they're named, but you get it.

I have learned tons of things already and my blog will be undergoing a major overhaul when I get back to the real world. I didn't take any pictures of people tonight, but I did snap a shot of my loot- or swag:
Here is my "swag bag"- a very nice one from Land's End just waiting to be monogrammed:And it was FULL of goodies: a book (that I almost bought a while back! The cheap girl in me was SO happy to see it!), Little Debbies, a FREE PAIR of Crocs!!! (do I need to tell you what my cheap-y self thought of that??), CDs, a Wal-Mart reusable bag and dirty socks. Oh, wait. That last item was not from the bag, but they snuck in the picture.

I've also picked up a few new friends:

Caryn at Rockin Mama, Nicole at Apron Strings A Flutter, Steph at Red Clay Diaries, Monica at Writer Chic and Lawn Boy, Katy at Alpaca Farm Girl, Elizabeth at Coastal Carolina Moms and I learned all about a cool site from Kelby called Type A Mom where you submit your own articles!

Whew! I'm exhausted. Can't wait for tomorrow!
I'm going to go curl up in bed with the Little Debbies and the dirty socks. Good night!


Anonymous said...

I can't wait for you to share what you've learned....I want to change/update my blog too. So, do tell do tell.

Anonymous said...

sweet loot! can't wait for you to get home and share some of your new found blog knowledge! so glad you are having fun...yay!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey new friend! Loved getting to meet you last night. And you're not a baby blogger. Just still in learning mode. (But aren't we all?)


Anonymous said...

so are you gonna come back and "school" us? cause that would be great. i'm so lucky we live close!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad we got an opportunity to meet and talk!

: )

Isn't this fun?


Anonymous said...

Don't do it Hil...don't wear the Crocs! Just because they are free, doesn't mean they are cool! Sell them on Craigslist!

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