Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Diet- Week 2

Well, week 2 was also full of temptations (I'm pretty sure every week will be, but I still didn't give in- pizza at church and a baby shower this weekend)! And, we had a great big splurge. Jason and I went out Friday night to celebrate our anniversary and we went "No Holds Barred" on the diet. As in, we ditched it out the window! It felt SO GOOD! We had sushi, burgers, fries (sweet potato, but fried, nonetheless), margaritas, and- late at night even- ICE CREAM! That's right. With some sort of cookie dough and fudge brownies mixed in from one of those marble slab places. Hmmm. It was amazing.
So, although we followed the recipes and ate everything else perfectly this week- and I ran 3 mornings- I didn't lose ANY weight this week. Bummer. At least I didn't gain weight, but I really wanted to lose some.
So much for the theory that you can splurge once, right? I at least thought I would lose a pound with all that running, but alas, I will just have to work harder this week.
I'll update the recipe tomorrow. I think I'll put the Chicken Lettuce Wraps up there. They were delicious. :-)
Off to sleep so I can get up to run! 15 more pounds to go!


Anonymous said...

keeping weight off is a victory! I'm proud of you running- I wish you lived here and we could go together!

Anonymous said...

hey hillary. congrats on your diet success so far. i'm starting a bridezilla boot camp as soon as i get to vegas. i'm attempting to diet and workout....agh.
a few of my friends have visited your blog from mine since i have yours linked. they love it!!

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